Our fine flock of feathered friends.

Avian Resources

This is only a small list of available companion bird resources.  Given the vast amount of information available online and in print, we’re happy to provide you with our recommendations for reliable online resources, books, magazines, and DVDs.  Whether you are considering getting a bird, are a new bird owner looking for a place to start, or a veteran bird owner with a specific question, contact us and we will help you find the information you need.

We’re a proud member of these fine organizations:

  • National Parrot Rescue

    National Parrot Rescue

  • American Federation of Aviculture

    American Federation of Aviculture

  • Association of Avian Veterinarians

    Association of Avian Veterinarians

  • MN Companion Bird Association

    MN Companion Bird Association

  • National Audubon Society

    National Audubon Society